1. Information about the incident
Ex) I did... or I suffered... I witnessed... or I heard directly... I heard from my colleague or subcontractor... According to rumors...
2. Alleged giver (company)
XXX, President Kim Seon-dal, Sales Director Hong Gil-dong
3. Alleged taker
OOO Division, OOO Team, Senior Staff Kim XX, Manager Jeong XX
4. Details of corruption (target, timing, location, scale)
In December 2021, OOO, president of OO Company, gave KRW OO cash in a white envelop to Senior Staff Kim XX in OO Restaurant. On July 1, 2021, OO, Manager of OO Company, provided entertainment to Manager Jeong XX at the luxurious bar OO in Yeoksam-dong.
5. Purpose of the entertainment provided
To gain some advantage against the competition for Project OOOO, requesting bidding information.
6. Additional information
For example, “OOO is likely to know further details.
His mobile number is 010-1234-1234. You can use OOO to confirm the fact.”