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Ethical Management

Cyber Audit Office

We will review the report you filed with the Cyber Audit Office and inform you of the results. A close review will be conducted by a relevant team and you will be notified as soon as possible.
You can view the results of your report by entering the verification code that is displayed on the screen after you submit your report (the code will also be sent to you via email).

Informant details

Required field

Informant details input table

* We will send a verification code and the results of your report to the email address you enter.
You will not be informed if you enter an invalid or no email address. In this case, you need to view the results on our website: [View the results] by using the verification code displayed on the screen after your report is filed. (※ Not entering an email address may make it difficult to proceed with the processing of your report as we may not reach you in case we need additional details from you.)

Notice on anonymous reporting

  • Any baseless slander or gossip will be rejected.

  • Email notification is not available unless you provide a valid email address.

  • If you submit a report anonymously, you need to enter a verification number to view the result.
    Please keep the verification number given to you when you submit a report.

팝업 닫기

Your disclosure

Example of the report form

  • Name

    Hong Gil-dong (or anonymously)

  • Telephone


  • Mobile


  • Title

    A report on Senior Staff Kim XX,
    Manager Jeong XX, OOO Team,
    Hyundai GLOVIS, taking bribes
    from OO

**How to fill in the form (Please provide as much detail as possible.)

  • 1. Information about the incident

    Ex) I did... or I suffered... I witnessed... or I heard directly... I heard from my colleague or subcontractor... According to rumors...

  • 2. Alleged giver (company)

    XXX, President Kim Seon-dal, Sales Director Hong Gil-dong

  • 3. Alleged taker

    OOO Division, OOO Team, Senior Staff Kim XX, Manager Jeong XX

  • 4. Details of corruption (target, timing, location, scale)

    In December 2021, OOO, president of OO Company, gave KRW OO cash in a white envelop to Senior Staff Kim XX in OO Restaurant. On July 1, 2021, OO, Manager of OO Company, provided entertainment to Manager Jeong XX at the luxurious bar OO in Yeoksam-dong.

  • 5. Purpose of the entertainment provided

    To gain some advantage against the competition for Project OOOO, requesting bidding information.

  • 6. Additional information

    For example, “OOO is likely to know further details.
    His mobile number is 010-1234-1234. You can use OOO to confirm the fact.”

Please provide us with as much detail as possible. Any report without details may cause investigations to be delayed or postponed. Any baseless slander or gossip will be rejected.

팝업 닫기

Required Field

You can upload up to ten files (up to 100MB).
File name Size Type Delete

Consent to personal information collection (Required*)

  • * Items to be collected: Name, phone number, email address, Connection Log, IP address, Contents and Attachments files
  • * Purpose of collection/use: Report processing and result notification
  • * Retention/use period: Your personal information will be destroyed without delay once the purpose of collection/use is achieved.
  • * We will retain your personal information for a certain period specified by law if we are obliged to do so according to relevant law.

Consent to personal information collection (Required*)

  • * Items to be collected: phone number, email address, Connection Log, IP address, Contents and Attachments files
  • * Purpose of collection/use: Report processing and result notification
  • * Retention/use period: Your personal information will be destroyed without delay once the purpose of collection/use is achieved.
  • * We will retain your personal information for a certain period specified by law if we are obliged to do so according to relevant law.
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