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Rugby Team

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Basics of Rugby


Dimensions of the field of play

경기장 규격

Dimensions of the rugby ball

시합구 규격

Dimensions of the goal posts

골포스트 규격

Rugby Scoring

럭비 득점 방식 구분,득점방식,득점 안내
Item Scoring Score
Try This occurs when the ball and the upper body of the ball carrier are both grounded over the opponents’ goal-line in the in-goal area. 5 points
Penalty try This is awarded when the referee judges that a player would have scored a try but for foul play by the opposition. In this case, conversion kick is not awarded. 7 points
Conversion kick This occurs when the ball is kicked from any point perpendicular to where the try was scored and it goes between the goal posts. 2 points
Penalty goal This occurs when a penalty try is awarded for foul play by the opposition and the ball is kicked and goes between the goal posts. 3 points
Drop goal This occurs when a player drops the ball on the ground and kicks it between the goal posts. 3 points

Game Time

럭비 경기시간 구분, 경기시간, 휴식시간, 득점 안내
Item Length of match Break Remarks
Rugby 15s 1st half: 40 min / 2nd half: 40 min 15min. May be adjusted by competition rules (10 min)
Rugby 7s 1st half: 7 min / 2nd half: 7 min 2min.

Rugby Scoring

Kick-off and restart

Kick-offs are used to start each half of the match. Restart kicks are used to resume play following a score or touchdown. Kick-offs are taken on or behind the center of the half-way line, and at this time, the non-kicking team must be on or behind the 10-meter line. The kicked ball must reach the 10-meter line.



The purpose of a scrum is to restart play quickly, safely and fairly with a contest for possession after a minor infringement or stoppage. Eight players from each team bind together with arms in a 3-4-1 formation with the heads of the front-row three players of one side interlocked with those of the other side’s front row.

This forms a tunnel into which the scrum-half can throw the ball into the tunnel and the first-row three players may then try to compete for the ball by trying to hook the ball backwards with their feet.

※ Scrum-half: The player of each team who places the ball in the scrum.



- Touch
Touch refers to the touchline and the area outside the touchline. Touch occurs when the ball out of possession touches the touchline or the ground, anyone or anything outside the line or when the possessed ball or the player carrying the ball touches the touchline or the ground outside the line. Play is restarted by a lineout.

- Direct touch
This occurs when the kicked ball goes into touch without touching the ground or any player. A lineout from a direct touch is formed in line with the spot from where it was kicked, unless the kick was a penalty or free kick or if the ball was kicked on or behind the 22-meter line.



After the ball has gone into touch, play is resumed with a lineout. It is a means of restarting play where a minimum of two players from each team form a line along the line of touch (an imaginary centerline between two teams) and contest for possession of the ball, which is thrown into at least the five meter line along the line of touch. The lineout is formed between the five-meter line and the 15-meter line, and players who form the lineout may not leave the line of touch until the lineout ends. In the event of foul play in the lineout, play is resumed with scrum and kick on the 15-meter line.



A tackle occurs when the ball carrier is held by one or more opponents and is brought to ground or the ball touches the ground. In this situation, the ball carrier is the tackled player, while all the opponents who also went to ground are the tackler. Only the ball carrier can be tackled by an opposing player, and after the tackle, the tackled player must pass the ball immediately, put the ball on the ground and stand up, or roll away from the ball.



A ruck is formed if the ball is on the ground and one or more players from each team who are on their feet close around it and compete for the ball. In a ruck, players may not use their hands.



A maul occurs when the ball carrier is held by one or more opponents and one or more of the ball carrier’s team mates holds on as well. Players in a maul should be on their feet and move towards the goal line.

A maul ends when the ball touches the ground, the ball carrier goes to ground, the ball leaves the maul, or a scrum is ordered.



Offside occurs when a player is in position where he/she must not interfere with play. Offside is divided into offside in open play and offside in a scrum, luck, maul and lineout. In general, a player is offside if that player is in front of a team-mate who is carrying the ball. An offside player may be penalized if that player plays the ball, interferes with opposition, or moves closer to any opposing player who is waiting to play the ball. Offside in a scrum, ruck, maul and lineout have their respective offside line, and a player who crosses it will be penalized.


Drop out and carry back

- Drop Out
When the attacking team has kicked the ball into the defending team’s in-goal area, the defending team can touch the ball down to stop the attack. In a drop-out, play is restarted by a member of the defending team drop-kicking the ball from within the defending team’s 22-meter line.

- Carry back
This occurs when a player carries the ball into their own in-goal or touch down the ball put into their own in-goal by their team mate. Play is restarted with a scrum five meters in front of the goal-line at which the attacking team gets to feed the ball in to the scrum.

드롭 아웃, 캐리백


- Throw forward
A throw forward is a foul play that occurs when a player throws or passes the ball towards the opposition’s dead ball line. In this case, play is restarted by scrum, and the ball is fed by the opposition.

- Knock-on
It occurs when the ball carried by a player is dropped or hit by hands or arms in such a way that it falls forward, or such a ball touches the ground or anyone else before the player who dropped the ball catches it. “Forward” here means heading towards the opposition’s dead ball line.


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