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Ethical Management

Compliance/Ethical Management Reporting

We will review the report you filed through Compliance/Ethical Management Reporting and inform you of the results within 7 to 10 days.
You can view the results of your report by entering the verification code that is displayed on the screen after you submit your report (the code will also be sent to you via email).

Infomant details

Required Field

* We will send a verification code and the results of your report to the email address you enter. You will not be informed if you enter an invalid or no email address. In this case, you need to view the results on our website: [View the results] by using the verification code displayed on the screen after your report is filed. (※ Not entering an email address may make it difficult to proceed with the processing of your report as we may not reach you in case we need additional details from you.)

*Note that your phone number is NOT required. Only when you need quick reply, leave your phone number.

Your disclosure

Required Field

Browse* You can upload files up to 10MB.

Information on collecting and using personal information

  • I agree to the collection and use of personal information.


    Article 1 (Purpose)
    Responding to inquiries, ensuring a smooth communication path

    Article 2 (Treatment and Retention Period)
    Personal information items: name, phone number, email, sender type
    Reason for possession: processing history management
    Retention period: 1 year after input

    Article 3 (Items of personal information to be processed)
    Personal information items: name, phone number, email, sender type
    How to collect: Homepage

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