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Ethical Management

Ethics Policy

We, Hyundai GLOVIS Co., Ltd., respect free competition market order in the pursuit of fair and transparent management based on our ethical and moral values.
We are also committed to fulfilling our roles and responsibilities as a company trusted by our nation and society through corporate activities in compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements and the spirit of the law.
Accordingly, all directors, officers and employees of Hyundai GLOVIS Co., Ltd. (“We”) are determined to put into practice the following Charter of Ethics to make our company healthier and more trusted by the public by thoroughly practicing trust-based management, management by wandering around (MBWA), and transparent management and reinforcing corporate ethics.

First, Ethics for Executives and Employees

  • We shall perform our duties based on clear and transparent standards and do our utmost to fulfill our responsibilities with integrity.

Second, Fair Competition and Trade

  • We shall compete fairly in the market and conduct business ethically with parties that engage in contractual relationships with us.

Third Realization of Customer Value

  • We shall provide safe products, exceptional services, and accurate information, and we rigorously protect personal information to increase customer value.

Fourth, Respect for Executives and Employee

  • We shall respect our members as independent individuals, and to this end, we provide fair working conditions and safe working environments.

Fifth, Commitment to Sustainability

  • We shall contribute to sustainable development by fulfilling our social & environmental responsibilities as a member of society, so that diverse stakeholders may prosper together in harmony
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